Divorce: Realignment, issues to be addressed

Scheidung, Neuausrichtung, zu regelnde Punkte

Divorce: realignment

Do you already see the light at the end of the tunnel? A divorce process is exhausting and lengthy. I do not deny that. It allows you to clean up the past, refocus and begin anew. This is your chance. At the end of an arduous journey, you are relieved, you find your inner peace, and you enjoy a promising future.

Regardless of whether you or your spouse wants a divorce, whether you or your spouse contemplate to cooperate with each other, you need to reorganize your everyday life. Even if you think everything is under control, there will be different emotions. I am fully aware of the traps that these feelings can cause: They can prevent you from making sound decisions. Whether you are caught up in a contested or uncontested divorce, meet with an attorney before you take any court steps.

Divorce settlement

As a lawyer I will help you negotiate and draft an agreement that meets your needs while protecting your future. Prepare yourself and download the relevant checklist.


Which issues do need to be resolved?

You need to resolve the following issues:

  • Support payments to spouses
  • Pension rights and survivor benefits
  • Possession, ownership and/or sale of the marital home(s)
  • Division of matrimonial property
  • Payment of outstanding taxes
  • Court costs and mutual compensation for court proceedings

If there are minor children:

  • Support payments to or on behalf of the children
  • Allocation of parental care rights and responsibilities for children in joint custody
  • Visitation rights, joint custody terms and conditions
  • Visitation rights and care arrangements during vacations

Although in each divorce case the same issues need to be resolved, each and every couple has unique needs. Therefore, each case is fact-specific and no two cases are the same.

Do not assume it is all you need to know to handle your divorce. Divorce is complex and costly. If you skimp on the attorney’s fees, you may lose far more than you would have spent on him or her. Do not hesitate and arrange for a consultation.