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Whom does a valuable painting in a house belong to?

The grandmother gifted the painting to her niece, and she sold the house to her grandson under a reservation clause. C was the owner of a house with art works, including a painting by the Swiss artist Carigiet. She gifted her niece B this painting by a written contract dated 20 January 2006. The painting remained in the house, as… Read More »Whom does a valuable painting in a house belong to?

Waiver of the usufruct of the residential house

A testator grants his housekeeper, who lives with him, the usufruct of the residential house in his will. The housekeeper reounses the usufruct. A right of use has an objective value: the property can be lived in or rented out to third parties. The usufructuary receives the rental income and bears the expenses (ordinary maintenance, mortgage interest, taxes, duties and… Read More »Waiver of the usufruct of the residential house

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