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“All property and possessions shall pass in equal shares to my sister Mrs. B and her husband Mr. D. Mrs. E shall inherit nothing.”

How is the will to be interpreted without a substitute disposition if Mr. D does not live to see the inheritance or is predeceased? Mrs. C was not married, had no children, and had two sisters, B and E. On June 11, 1978, Mrs. C drew up a handwritten testamentary disposition according to which, upon her death, all her possessions… Read More »“All property and possessions shall pass in equal shares to my sister Mrs. B and her husband Mr. D. Mrs. E shall inherit nothing.”

Is the gift of a valuable ruby to a granddaughter subject to compensation or not?

Obligation to return or intended preferential treatment when donating family jewels It is disputed whether the gift of a ruby worth USD 500,000 from the testator to her granddaughter during her lifetime constitutes a preferential treatment or whether the ruby must be returned to the estate. The aunt of the granddaughter demands that during the action for the division of… Read More »Is the gift of a valuable ruby to a granddaughter subject to compensation or not?

Melting fortunes in old age

especially in the case of dependency on long-term care and admission into a nursing home.

Can you avoid this with gifts or advancement of inheritances? What, if anything, should be done?

And how secure are your assets after your death? Starting in 2021, heirs must repay supplementary benefits that were paid out after January 1, 2021 provided the estate amounts to more than CHF 40,000.

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